The open source C library raylib provides an API for 2-D and 3-D graphics programming, mainly for computer and video games, on all major platforms without external dependencies. Interface bindings are available for more than 60 programming languages, including Fortran. The library features:
- hardware accelerated rendering with OpenGL (1.1, 2.1, 3.3, 4.3, or ES 2.0),
- rendering 3-D shapes, models, billboards, and heightmaps,
- animated 3-D models (skeletal bones animations),
- GLSL shader support (including model and post-processing shaders),
- multiple texture formats support,
- math module for vector, matrix, and quaternion operations,
- fonts module (TTF and bitmap fonts),
- audio playback and streaming,
- V.R. rendering.
Raylib can be combined with extra libraries for additional functionality, like raygui, a simple immediate-mode GUI library.
- Fig. 1: NASA model of the Voyager spacecraft rendered with Fortran and raylib
The library has to be compiled from source if no binary package is available for the targeted operating system. On FreeBSD, unpack the source archive (31.2 MiB), create a new Makefile with CMake, then build, and install raylib system-wide:
$ tar xfvz raylib-5.0.tar.gz
$ cd raylib-5.0/
$ mkdir build && cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make install
Alternatively, you may want to use the current master branch of the source code repository instead. Afterwards, download or clone the Fortran 2018 interface bindings fortran-raylib, and execute the Makefile:
$ git clone https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-raylib
$ cd fortran-raylib/
$ make
The fortran-raylib library may be added as a dependency to the build manifest of the Fortran Package Manager, if preferred:
fortran-raylib = { git = "https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-raylib.git" }
Either link against the static raylib library libraylib.a
, or
the shared one -lraylib
, additionally to the interface bindings
. See the
bindings documentation
for more information.
The example program shown in this section will render a 3-D model of the Voyager that was created by NASA/JPL-Caltech and released as public domain. The model consists of 17,602 polygons, and is separated into three files:
- The 3-D model voyager.obj (2 MiB) in Wavefront Object format, containing the vertices and faces (converted from the original Blender file).
- The material file voyager.mtl (< 1 KiB).
- The diffuse map voyager.png (383 KiB).
The program rotates the model each frame in Z (fig. 1). Look around the 3-D world by using the mouse, move by pressing the keys W, A, S, D, and rotate with Q and E.
! voyager.f90
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use :: raylib
implicit none (type, external)
integer, parameter :: SCREEN_WIDTH = 800
integer, parameter :: SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450
real :: angle
type(camera3d_type) :: camera
type(model_type) :: model
type(texture2d_type) :: texture
type(vector3_type) :: position, rotation, scale
! Enable V-Sync and anti-aliasing, initialise window, and disable mouse pointer.
call set_config_flags(ior(FLAG_VSYNC_HINT, FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT))
call init_window(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 'Voyager' // c_null_char)
call disable_cursor()
! Define camera to look into our 3-D world.
camera%position = vector3_type(10.0, 10.0, 10.0) ! Camera position vector.
camera%target = vector3_type(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ! Camera target vector.
camera%up = vector3_type(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ! Camera up vector.
camera%fov_y = 45.0 ! Camera field of view [deg].
camera%projection = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE ! Camera projection.
! Load voyager.obj, voyager.mtl, and voyager.png.
model = load_model('voyager.obj' // c_null_char)
texture = load_texture('voyager.png' // c_null_char)
! Set texture.
call set_model_diffuse(model, texture)
! Set model parameters.
angle = 0.0 ! Rotation angle [deg].
rotation = vector3_type(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ! Rotation vector.
scale = vector3_type(2.0, 2.0, 2.0) ! Scale factor.
! The rendering loop.
do while (.not. window_should_close())
call update_camera(camera, CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON)
angle = modulo(angle + 0.1, 360.0)
call begin_drawing()
call clear_background(RAYWHITE)
call begin_mode3d(camera)
call draw_model_ex(model, position, rotation, angle, scale, WHITE)
call end_mode3d()
call draw_fps(10, 10)
call end_drawing()
end do
! Clean-up and close window.
call unload_texture(texture)
call unload_model(model)
call close_window()
subroutine set_model_diffuse(model, texture)
!! Utility routine to set the material (texture) of a model.
type(model_type), intent(inout) :: model !! Model to modify.
type(texture2d_type), intent(inout) :: texture !! Texture to add to model.
type(material_type), pointer :: material_ptrs(:)
type(material_map_type), pointer :: material_map_ptrs(:)
! We have to add 1 to the array indices as a work-around, as we can't set
! the lower bounds of the pointer arrays with `c_f_pointer()` yet (new
! Fortran 2023 feature).
call c_f_pointer(model%materials, material_ptrs, [ model%material_count ])
call c_f_pointer(material_ptrs(1)%maps, material_map_ptrs, [ MATERIAL_MAP_BRDF + 1 ])
material_map_ptrs(MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE + 1)%texture = texture
end subroutine set_model_diffuse
end program main
All character strings passed to raylib have to be properly null-terminated
with c_null_char
at the end. Otherwise, weird segmentation faults
may occur.
On FreeBSD, build and link the executable with:
$ gfortran13 -o voyager voyager.f90 libfortran-raylib.a libraylib.a -lGL -lpthread -lm
To link against the shared raylib library, replace libraylib.a
with -lraylib
. Make sure that voyager.obj
, and voyager.png
are in the same
directory as the binary. Then, run:
$ ./voyager
Fortran Libraries
- fortran-raylib: Fortran 2018 interface bindings to raylib
Fortran Games
- raylib: Official website
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